Please let us know if we can serve you better
Our practice uses a quality improvement framework to facilitate continuous improvement. This means we check our performance in serving our patients in the following ways.
Credentialing and scope of practice: all clinicians have appropriate qualifications, work within their scope of practice and engage in continuing professional development
Cultivating a practice culture that encourages feedback from patients and responds to problems promptly and proactively. Regular patient satisfaction surveys by MyPS. Click here for the 2022 results-thanks to all who took the time to complete their survey.
Annual peer reviewed surgical audit.
A surgical audit includes the number and types of operations provided, the number and types of complications that occur and patient related outcome measures (PROM). PROM means the patient reports how satisfied they were with the operation. Peer review means 2 or more other surgeons look at a surgeon’s surgical audit and discuss ways the surgeon could improve the outcomes for their patients.
You can see the current audit information by clicking here. The audit includes all the patients I have provided surgery for, from 2001 until now. Benchmarking means using a standard to compare your own performance to. I use published studies of surgical complications at other hospitals, in Australia and internationally, to benchmark my rate of complications. If my rates of complications with surgery are higher than these benchmarks, I need to look at why and take steps to improve my care of my patients.
Multi-source feedback using the FRACS framework. Click here for the most recent report. All surgeons engage in lifelong learning. This is a requirement of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and of the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Authority. One element of lifelong learning is reflective practice. This means seeking feedback from patients and the people a surgeon works with (including doctors, nurses, administrators, staff, allied health practitioners). Feedback helps to find out how you are doing, what you are doing well and where you need to develop your skills and knowledge more. Every 3 years, Dr Clancy has a formal peer feedback process. The results are discussed with another surgeon or a coach and a plan for development for the next 3 years is made.
Monthly clinical risk management meetings with action on any data gathered.
We conduct patient satisfaction surveys annually. In 2015 our patients told us that they weren’t always clear about the next step in treatment following their consultation. All patients now receive a printed plain English explanation of their problem and a plan for what they need to do next. You will receive a copy of this plan as part of my correspondence back to you after each consultation.
An enduring theme in our patient feedback surveys, including in 2022, is that patients want to have enough time with the surgeon, for the surgeon to listen carefully, explain options and treatment plans clearly, be open to questions and have the knowledge and skills to help them. And to act in the best interests of the patient. You can read the report here. Our net promotor score is 88.
Any further questions?
Your opinion is invaluable in enabling us to improve our service to the community. Please contact us with feedback. Your information will be managed in accordance with our privacy policy and we will contact you with our plan for improvement.